epa08345153 An exterior view of the Steirereck restaurant at the Stadtpark park in Vienna, Austria, 03 April 2020 (issued 06 April 2020). The internationally-known restaurants Steirereck and Meierei, owned by Birgit and Heinz Reitbauer, prepare up to 1000 free meals for emergency personals, since the Austrian government has announced measures slowing down the ongoing pandemic of the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The reastaurant now offer, instead of fine dining dishes, more traditional plain fair. Birgit Reitbauer says 'We were discussing what we could do and how we could help and do the best to avoid the waste of food. So we decided to prepare dishes for our helping hands.' and adds 'We have three restaurants and we do not only have fine dining meals. We also have Meierei, that's a more casual place. So we are all used not just to do the fine dining, but also do more traditional things. And that works really well.' Since 16 March 2020, all bars, cafes, restaurants, etc. are closed due to imposed measures slowing down the ongoing pandemic of the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus until at least Easter Monday, 13 April 2020. EPA/CHRISTIAN BRUNA

L’Austria dopo Pasqua, dal 14 aprile, riaprirà a tappe gli esercizi commerciali. In un primo momento riprenderà l’attività dei negozi con meno di 400 metri quadri, i vivai e i centri fai da te. I primi di maggio dovrebbe invece riprendere l’attività di tutto il settore commerciale, anche dei parrucchieri, ha annunciato il cancelliere Sebastian Kurz.
